Flowers to the Liberators

Flowers to the Liberators
75 years ago, after 907 days of occupation, Odessa was heroically liberated from German fascist and Romanian invaders. For the long and terrible 907 days, 82,000 people were killed in our city, and other 78,000 were forced to go to Germany.
There are few participants and witnesses of those events, but each Odessa citizen knows who they owe their lives. Odessa will remember its heroes, that is why there are so many flowers near the monuments to the liberators who defeated the enemy and liberated our city from the invaders.
The administration, students and teachers of ONMedU put their flowers to the monument to the grieving mother, set up for students, professors, doctors – graduates of Odessa Medical Institute, who died in the battles for their Motherland.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!