The Next Prominent Graduate of ONMedU-Academician Reznyk Borys Yakovlevych

A Soviet and Ukrainian pediatric scientist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Childhood Diseases of Odessa State Medical University (1972-1997), People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the 1st convocation, laureate of two State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, author of more than 300 scientific works, including 14 monographs and 2 textbooks for students of medical universities.
Academician Reznik made a great contribution into solving the problem of one of the most common hereditary diseases – cystic fibrosis. On the basis of a profound study of the pathogenesis of this disease, a system of integrated therapy was developed that was recognized at international congresses on cystic fibrosis. He took part in TACIS-Lien program (assistance to families of children suffering from cystic fibrosis) a joint scientific work with British doctors from the Royal Brompton Hospital, the European Community for the Help of Children with Cystic Disease which was implemented jointly with the International Integrated Health Care Association (UK). For a series of works in the field of medical genetics, including “Hereditary diseases and congenital malformations in perinatal practice,” Academician AMS Borys Yakovlevych Reznik was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in 1997.
His students were: Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine M.L. Aryayev, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine I.L. Babiy, Honored Worker of Science and Technology O. V. Zubarenko, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine I.P. Minkov.
In addition to scientific activity, Borys Yakovlevich carried out a great public work. He was a people’s deputy of Ukraine of three convocations, a member of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Pediatric Doctors, a chairman of Odessa Association of Pediatricians, a member of the editorial boards of many medical journals.
With great joy, the Council of the Student Scientific Society and the Council of the Young Scientists of Odessa National University invite students and young scientists together with international experts to take part in the scientific and practical conference “Modern Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Clinical Medicine” devoted to the 90th anniversary of the birth of B. Ya Reznyk.
The conference will be held at the University on April 18-19, 2019.
The program of the conference includes plenary and sectional meetings and awarding of winners.