70,000 doctors and middle medical personnel left Ukraine over a year, – pro-rector of ONMedU

The medical reform is not able to stop qualified professionals from leaving Ukraine in the current form. This was stated by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Odessa National Medical University, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Konstiantyn Talalaiev during the telethon dedicated to the Health Day.
According to him, last year about 70 thousand doctors and middle medical personnel left for work in the countries of Eastern Europe. One of the leading incentives for emigration is the socioeconomic health situation. “The most striking example is Odessa Medical University. For the fourth month, people do not receive a salary. What can we want from them? They continue working not because of the care of the Ministry of Health, but, contrary to it, only because they are used to qualitatively treating and teaching, to doing good, “said Kostyantyn Talalaiev.
He added that the medical reform is not only unable to stop the outflow of personnel, but also creates obstacles in the employment of young professionals. “When a graduate comes to work in a clinic, an outpatient clinic or a primary health care center, they are ready to apply their knowledge, but may be undemanded. Today, there is another model, they will be said: “Sorry, you have not signed the declaration, so we will not pay you”, – added the Vice-Rector.
He believes that the reason for such “gaps” is a low competence of the authors and performers of the medical reform: “There is a medical specialty” Organization and Management of Health Care “. Ask how many Ministry of Health Authorities know or learned about it? None. ”
It is to be recalled that a.i. Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun hasn’t signed the budget of ONMedU because he does not recognize the current a.i. rector Yuri Sukhin as legitimate. At the same time, the legality of his authority was confirmed by the courts and the Unified State Register of Individuals and Legal Persons. Blocking the budget has led to the suspension of salaries and scholarship payments, utility bills. One of university hostel has been cut of gas supply.