Science for Dummies

On November 19, the Student Science Society and the Young Scientists Society held the first event of the cycle “Young Scientist’s School (Science for Dummies”), attended not only by domestic students but also by students of the international faculty.

A special guest of our event was Natalia Kolman – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Founder and Head of the Student Research Institute, Member of the Board of the National Society of Student Research, Innovator in Cancer Therapy, NJCU, USA. In her report, she spoke not only about her own experience in stem cell research, but also about how to use science in everyday life!

Valeria Hennadiivna Marichereda – the vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work (International Relations), MD, Professor, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, focusing on the importance of learning English and developing the scientific thinking of the researcher.

Ruslan Serhiiovych Vastianov- a.i. vice-rector for scientific work, the head of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, representative and follower of the School of Neuropathophysiologists, spoke about the important role of science in the life of a student at a medical university, emphasized the important aspects of the beginning of scientific activity.

Olha Hennadiivna Yushkivska – Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Higher Category, Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Physical Education and Valeology, Scientific Leader of SSC and YSS activities.

Ivan Volodymyrovych Savitskii – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology, spoke about his experience in scientific work with students who have achieved the highest student awards and highlighted the main activities of the student scientific circle of the department.

Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Mironov – Head of YSS, post-graduate student of the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology, Doctor of Neuropathology, Resuscitator-Anesthesiologist, laureate of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, spoke about the structure of the scientific article, methods of finding information about national and international conferences.

Serhii Volodymyrovych Rusnak – obstetrician-gynecologist, NAMS award winner, post-graduate student of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology, emphasized the importance of the correct choice of scientific supervisor and shared his own experience in forming the correct stage of student scientific work.

We are grateful to our distinguished lecturers for the opportunity to plunge into the mysterious world of science!

But we do not stop there, so stay tuned and wait for the announcement of the next event!