XXIX Reporting and Election Conference of ONMedU Primary Trade Union Organization

On November 19, the XXIX Reporting and Election Conference of the Primary Trade Union Organization (PTUO) of ONMedU students took place.

More than 80 delegates from different groups and faculties, representatives of the university administration, student council, student creativity center and the chairman of the regional health union of Odessa region listened to reports on the work of the union over the past 5 years. The work of  ONMedU students was carried out in the following directions:

– volunteer;

– cultural mass;

– information;

– sports and wellness;

– legal;

– social and household, etc.

The work of the trade union was considered by all participants of the conference as satisfactory and the candidacy of the current chairman, Mikhailuk Yevhen Valeriiovych, was offered for the post of the chairman of the union committee of ONMedU students.

82 people voted in favor, 1 abstained, 0 against 0.Thus, Ye.V. Mikhailuk continues to work as the chairman of  ONMedU student PTUO. We wish him success, inspiration and are ready to continue successful and fruitful cooperation for the benefit of students with a large, strong and friendly team!