Rector of ONMedU Valerii Zaporozhan congratulates freshmen

Dear freshmen! Congratulations on the beginning of the first day of the first academic year at Odessa National Medical University!

You have chosen one of the most difficult professions – medicine. Mastering it will require a lot of effort, patience and the desire for self-improvement throughout your professional life. At the same time, it is a very interesting and exciting profession, in which each new day is not like the previous one.

Dear freshmen! You have become a student of one of the oldest and most famous universities in Ukraine. For 120 years, it has trained highly qualified medical professionals who glorify our university around the world. At ONMedU we have created all the conditions for your successful study.

These are simulation classes with robots that completely copy the behavior of real patients, and work on modern medical equipment, which is just appearing in Ukrainian clinics, and a unique online library with access to the library funds of the best medical universities in the world, and the opportunity to study from professors and doctors known far beyond our country.

Use this base, be persistent and inquisitive, accumulate knowledge and get the most out of learning. Always strive to do more than you are expected to do, and you will become the best at your job!

I wish you success in your studies, interesting discoveries and true friends! Rector, teachers, our whole team will always support you in all endeavors. Welcome to the family of Odessa National Medical University!

Valerii ZAPOROZHAN, academician, rector of ONMedU