Yurii Ivanovych Bazhora went from a student, graduate student, assistant to associate professor, professor at Odesa National Medical University. In different years, he was the head of the department of medical biology, genetics and parasitology and the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work.
He carried out a great deal of work on the expansion and reorganization of the Department of Clinical Immunology, Genetics and Medical Biology of ONMedU, embodied the idea of continuity in teaching the basic educational component “Medical Biology” from the first to the graduation courses, as well as cross-cutting issues of medical genetics, clinical immunology and allergology. Thus, there was a clear integration of the teaching of fundamental theoretical and clinical disciplines within one department during the entire period of study, thanks to which the department took one of the leading places in the training of doctors at ONMedU.
Professor Bazhora is the author and co-author of 7 textbooks, 17 monographs, 39 training manuals, and about 650 published scientific works. For the first time in Ukraine, the creative team under his scientific leadership developed and actively used in practical medicine express methods of diagnosing serious infectious diseases – tuberculosis and diphtheria, which made it possible to radically change the principles of their diagnosis, thereby saving the lives and restoring the working capacity of many residents of Southern Ukraine.
Yurii Ivanovich’s scientific achievements are well known and highly appreciated in Ukraine and abroad. He is an academician of the Academy of Technological Cybernetics of Ukraine, a member of the World Society of Mathematical Biology, a member of the board of directors of the International Biographical Center in Cambridge (Great Britain).
Professor Yu. I. Bazhora was included in the number of 2,000 outstanding scientists of the 20th century, and was awarded the Gold Medal of the Polish Medical Academy.
Yurii Ivanovich is an extremely demanding person, first of all, to himself. For his efficiency, high professionalism, and decency, Professor Bazhora enjoys respect among university colleagues and undisputed authority among students, interns, and clinical residents.
We sincerely congratulate dear Yurii Ivanovych on his glorious Jubilee, we wish him good health, creative longevity and personal happiness!
With the greatest respect,
university leadership, colleagues and students.