On February 27, under the chairmanship of ONMedU Rector Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of Odessa National Medical University was held, at which a number of important issues were considered.
A meaningful presentation on the certification of graduates of the correspondence form of obtaining education at the Faculty of Pharmacy for obtaining the Master’s degree in specialty 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” was made by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Professor Liana Ungurian. She noted: “The results of the final certification allow us to conclude that the graduates have demonstrated a sufficient level of knowledge and skills, therefore, the Examination Commission recommends awarding the Master’s degree and the qualification “Pharmacist” in specialty 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” to the higher education seekers who have fulfilled the requirements of the individual curriculum, successfully passed the Unified State Examination and defended qualification papers.” The decision of the Examination Commission was supported unanimously.
At the proposal of the Chairman of the Academic Council, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, changes in the staffing and structure of the Center for Reconstructive and Restorative Medicine (University Clinic) were considered and supported.
The Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Svitlana Kotiuzhynska, made a report on the results of the university’s scientific activity during the past calendar year. The report focused on the opportunities, current problems and achievements of 2024. In particular, she emphasized that according to the rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine, in 2024 Odessa National Medical University is among the TOP-10 best medical institutions of higher education in Ukraine. In the consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine, it occupies 49–50th place, 70th position among domestic HEIs according to Scopus. The training of scientific and pedagogical personnel at the university is carried out at 27 departments, scientists perform 98 qualification works (including 5 for the degree of Doctor of Sciences) under the guidance and consultation of 47 Doctors of Sciences. 2 qualification works for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 11 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy were defended. 30 academic titles were obtained – 7 professors and 23 associate professors. Employees performed 53 research works, 5 of which involved external resources (international and national grants).
“The human resources potential of the departments, the involvement of young scientists in research work, publications in international journals and participation in competitions for funding for scientific work, and the acquisition of intellectual property rights allow the university to conduct scientific activities at a sufficient level during martial law,” noted Svitlana Kotyuzhynska.
A detailed report on educational and national-patriotic work at the university was made by the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, professor Konstantin Talalayev. He spoke about patriotic and physical education, humanitarian training and volunteer activities of future doctors, and concluding his report, emphasized: “Our higher medical educational institution is not only a center of science and education, but also a factor in reproducing the spiritual life of society.”
Head of the Planning and Economic Department Valeriy Chuba reported on the state of the university’s financial and economic activities for 2024. He outlined the main financial indicators of the past year and proposed measures to increase the receipts of funds to the special fund of the state budget and the economical, rational and effective use of state funds in 2025.
Based on an open vote, the Academic Council unanimously adopted the annual financial report of the institution.
According to the agenda, the Academic Council supported the issue of approving a number of Regulations, decisions of specialized academic councils, the creation of one-time specialized councils for the defense of qualification theses for the award of the scientific degree of “Doctor of Philosophy”, approval of educational and scientific programs, recommendations for the publication of scientific works.