In 2021, ONMedU completed 11 research works and increased the Hirsch index

The Academic Council of Odessa National Medical University chaired by Academician Valerii Zaporozhan summed up the results of scientific activities of the university in 2021.

As it was reported at the meeting, in 2021 the staff of ONMedU defended 10 doctoral dissertations and 28 candidate (doctor of philosophy) dissertations in comparison with 2 and 14 in 2020, respectively. The number of full-time and part-time postgraduate students is also growing – 25 new postgraduate students have replaced 20 postgraduate students who graduated this year. Seven Specialized Councils for the Defense of Dissertations (Doctor of Philosophy) were established at ONMedU. To date, 3 doctoral dissertations and 65 candidate / doctor of philosophy dissertations are planned and being performed at ONMedU.

As the acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Petro Antonenko stated, during the year at ONMedU 2 research works funded by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine were being performed, as well as 50 initiative research works. 11 research works have been completed and 16 new ones are planned for 2022, two of which will be funded by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The number of scientific publications of employees in Scopus / Web of Science and professional publications of category “B” has increased. The Hirsch index (H-index) of ONMedU increased by four points compared to 2020, which allowed the university to rise to three levels of the ranking of higher education institutions in Ukraine.

The following departments are most numerous in Scopus publications:

obstetrics and gynecology,


pharmaceutical chemistry,

biophysics, computer science and medical equipment,
