Flowers for grieving mothers

Among the numerous events taking place these days at ONMedU in honor of the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence, there is one that touches the heart and soul of each of us. This is honor and respect for our defenders, soldiers of the Armed Forces, who defend Ukraine day and night from the racist horde. We bow our heads to every Ukrainian who died in the war.

These irreparable losses are painful for each of us. The monument to the Sorrowful Mother, which was installed near the main building of ONMedU, represents all mothers and our mother Ukraine, who mourns the dead.

On the eve of the holiday, students of different courses of all faculties laid flowers at the foot of the monument to the Sorrowful Mother in honor and respect for all mothers who lost their sons in the war – the best, bravest, smartest young people of Ukraine…

Glory to heroes!