Fedir Kostiev: The election of the rector on November 25 will be held safely for all participants in the election process

The election of the rector of Odessa National Medical University on November 25, 2020 will be held safely and in compliance with all anti-epidemic requirements. This was announced at the Conference of the Labor Collective by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Elections, Professor Fedir Kostiev.

“The election of the rector is an important event in the life of our university, and I ask everyone to treat it responsibly. For our part, the organizing committee guarantees anti-epidemiological safety and compliance with all regulations. Mandatory requirements for voting participants: a medical mask, antiseptic treatment of hands at the entrance to the polling station, the presence of a document and a pen, “said Fedir Kostiev.

The Organizing Committee and the Election Commission for the election of the rector of ONMedU have developed measures of anti-epidemic restrictions at the polling station, which take into account the level of epidemic danger due to the spread of COVID-19.

In particular, there is a delimitation of the flow of students and staff and one-way traffic at the entrance and exit of the polling station, visual markings to indicate traffic and distance between voters not less than 1.5 m. , medical masks and a sufficient number of ballpoint pens – for voters who will come to vote without them.

The number of people staying at the polling station at the same time will be limited to prevent congestion. Bactericidal irradiators-recirculators will be installed in the Hall №1, where the voting will take place. A separate booth will be installed for voters who have a body temperature higher than 37.2C.

Entrance to the polling station is allowed only in medical masks and after treatment of hands at the entrance by a paramedic. At the entrance to the Main Educational Building, visitors must check their identity documents and indicate the motivation for visiting the polling station – voter, candidate, observers of all levels, according to the registration certificate and members of the Organizing Committee, Election Commission, according to personal badge.