
Ruslan Vastianov: My task is progressive development of the university and preparation for the election of the rector In mid-April, the Minister of Health of Ukraine Maksym Stepanov signed an order appointing the acting rector of Odessa National Medical University, the head of the Department of General and Clinical Physiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ruslan Vastyanov. We
ONMedU participated in an online meeting held by the Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov The Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov held an online meeting with the rectors of medical universities of Ukraine On April 22, the Minister of Health of Ukraine Maksym Stepanov held a video conference with the heads of medical educational institutions
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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has appointed the acting rector of ONMedU Odessa National Medical University announces that in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 15-o of April 14, 2020 “On Assignment of Duties”, since April 21, 2020 professor Vastianov Ruslan Serhiiovych, the Head of of
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Happy Women’s Day! Dear Women! The staff of the ONMedU sincerely congratulates you on the Women’s Day! May your sunny and enthusiastic spirit be with you always!
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