Military medicine

Sports Hospital (Autumn, 2017) Healthy body- healthy mind! Apparently, this very winged Latin expression was used by the students of our university during the Sports Hospital, which took place on October 16 in our student camp. For several years, 2 times a year, students
All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Joint actions of military formations and law-enforcement authorities of the state: problems and perspectives” On September 7-8, 2017, the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Joint Actions of Military Formations and Law Enforcement Authorities of the State: Problems and Prospects" was held at the Military Academy (Odessa), in which professors and students of Odessa National
Presentations of the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital named after Mykola Pirogov Regular presentations of the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (FVNH) named after Mykola Pirogov were held on 31.08.20017 and 01.09.2017 in Odessa, in the Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital and Odessa National Medical University, by its co-founder and head Gennadiy Drusenko .
Complex practical classes in primary military training According to the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 1, 2012, No. 48 "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting Military Training of Ukrainian Citizens on the Program of Officers of the Reserve
Our surgeon has become the best doctor of Ukraine! A ceremony of awarding the best doctors of Ukraine with “The Order of St. Panteleimon” took place in the Kyiv National Philharmonic Hall on August 9, 2017. This is the most important public award, created with the support of