Military medicine

ONMedU: rehabilitation assistance Regular massive shelling and bombing of Ukrainian cities and villages by the enemy became a real challenge for our doctors. The number of people who need rehabilitation after stabilization and treatment is increasing every day. The return of such patients
The conference “Problems and prospects of organizing rehabilitation assistance to veterans of the Armed Forces” was held in Odesa Anthem of Ukraine, a moment of silence to honor the memory of those who died as a result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation - the conference "Problems and prospects of organizing rehabilitation assistance to veterans of the Armed
Rescue surgery Oncological diseases have become a problem for almost every family in the world. According to official WHO statistics, in 2022, cancer pathology was the cause of every 6th death worldwide. This stimulates the international medical community to develop new methods
May the Memory of the Hero Live Forever! On August 1, all the news feeds were filled with reports that the terrorist country had again struck the hero city of Kherson. How many times has a peaceful object — an ordinary city hospital — become the target of
Holiday selector with health care institutions of Odesa region Today in the telemedicine of the Health Care Department of  Odesa Oblast, a holiday selector was held with health care institutions of  Odesa region on the occasion of the Day of the medical worker! Guests of honor  First Deputy Chairman