
ONMedU Library presents an exhibition dedicated to the 1034th anniversary of the Baptism of Kyiv Rus One of the main holy pages of our state is the Baptism of Kyiv Rus, which falls precisely on July 28. For the first time in Ukraine, on this day we also celebrate the Statehood Day. Our courageous country is
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Access to WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and other databases has been continued! «Clarivate» Access to WEB OF SCIENCE, SCOPUS and other databases has been extended! «Web of Science» database until the end of 2022.. In addition, Ukrainian institutions will have access to the Scopus database owned by the «Elsevier» company. In addition
Free access to medical platforms from McGraw-Hill This is just a small amount of support we can provide in this dire situation. But we really hope it will be useful for you. McGraw-Hill from July 1 until the end of 2022 for employees and students of Odessa
May 24 – Day of Slavic Literature and Culture Every year on May 24, all Slavic countries honour the memory of the holy co-apostolic brothers Cyril and Methodius - the creators of Slavic writing. In Ukraine, the holiday was established by the Presidential Decree of September 17, 2004. Cyril
A Great Holiday! Among the calendar holidays in the Ukrainian traditional culture, the central place is occupied by Easter - the holiday of resurrection! Easter rites combined pieces of the culture of previous generations of people who inhabited the territory of Ukraine for