
6th International Scientific Conference “Man as Integrity: Human, Extrahuman, Superhuman” On October 19, 2023, the VI International Scientific Conference "Man as Integrity: Human, Extrahuman, Superhuman" took place (in remote form). The organizers were: the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Foreign Languages of Odesa National Medical University, the International Academy of
On the eve of the 1st scientific and practical conference “Obesity” The 1st scientific and practical conference with international participation "Obesity" will be held on the basis of Odesa National Medical University. Its goal is to recognize obesity as a disease and unite highly qualified specialists of Ukraine and European countries
Scientific and practical conference “Doctor-patient-parent communication in pediatric practice and image technology” On June 6, 2023, the scientific and practical conference "Doctor-Patient-Parent Communication in Pediatric Practice and Image Technology" was held in a mixed format on the Teams platform and at the Department of Social Sciences (Olhiivska 13, 4th floor). The organizers
The future is in their hands! A scientific and practical conference with international participation "Unification of science and practice: to the 85th anniversary of the Department of Pediatric Surgery" was held at Odesa National Medical University. Teachers, research staff of ONMedU, specialists in medical profiles, students
Readings named after Professor Oleksandr Zelinskii On the basis of Odesa National Medical University, the II interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference with international participation "Readings named after Professor Oleksandr Zelinskii. Perinatal and reproductive medicine is the focus of the "4P" concept of the health care system."