
All-Ukrainian month of the fight against tuberculosis Every year in March, the All-Ukrainian Month of Fight against Tuberculosis is held. This is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to the environment, is not afraid of cold and short-term exposure to
Tuberculosis and its consequences. Prospects of overcoming On the eve of the World Tuberculosis Day, which takes place annually on March 24, a scientific and practical conference with international participation "Tuberculosis and its consequences. Prospects of overcoming" was held at the University Clinic on Tinista Street. The
Acceptance of works for the annual conference for students of the second (master’s) level of education is ending Dear colleagues! We remind you of the information on the holding of Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine" (for students of the second (master's) level), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of
The conference “Problems and prospects of organizing rehabilitation assistance to veterans of the Armed Forces” was held in Odesa Anthem of Ukraine, a moment of silence to honor the memory of those who died as a result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation - the conference "Problems and prospects of organizing rehabilitation assistance to veterans of the Armed
Obesity: interdisciplinary management A conference with international participation "Obesity: interdisciplinary management" was held in Odesa. It was organized by Odesa National Medical University together with the Association of Family Medicine of the Odesa Region. The purpose of the conference is to recognize obesity