International Cooperation

A Council of Academic Mobility and International Cooperation was established at ONMedU under the chairmanship of the Rector Valerii Zaporozhan. A Council of Academic Mobility and International Cooperation was established at ONMedU under the chairmanship of the Rector and Chairman of the Academic Council Valery Zaporozhan. The decision was made at the meeting of the Academic Council, which took place
Fulbright Academic Exchange Program Dear colleagues, On behalf of the Fulbright Academic Exchange Program / Kyiv Office of the Institute of International Education, we express our respect and are pleased to announce that we have begun accepting applications for regular competitions for Fulbright Scholarships
Educational event about Ukrainian traditions of celebrating winter holidays for first-year foreign students It has become a tradition at the Department of Social Sciences to hold events during the winter holidays. Ukrainian students join Caroling with joy and enthusiasm. It is nice to note that as graduates, they remember with pleasure the time
World International Conference on Neuroscience with the participation of students of our university The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of our daily lives. But, despite the difficult conditions of research and acquaintance of scientists with the results, the student community came together to organize another conference under the auspices of IBRO (International
Victory at the International Festival of the Arts in Las Vegas, USA CST OnMedu welcomes international students Shanana Miller U and Alina Vargehese with a victory at the International Festival of the Arts in Las Vegas, USA !!! We express our gratitude to the National Cultural Society of the Odessa region as