
WARNING! SUDDEN DEATH! Did you know that 70% of people with  sudden cessation of blood circulation could be saved ??? What if the person next to you fainted and you  diagnosed a cardiac arrest? The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the American Heart
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The Student Scientific Society and the Society of Young Scientists of Odessa National Medical University are actively implementing scientific activities among students The Student Scientific Society (SSS) and the Society of Young Scientists (SYoS) are active in Odessa National Medical University. SSS consists of 744 1-6 year students engaged in scientific activities. The most active members of the Student Scientific Society form
The Faculty of Postgraduate Education is ready for continuous professional development of doctors Continuous professional development of doctors is a world practice of development of medical workers, which began in Ukraine in 2018. Its main goal is to constantly improve knowledge and skills, as well as unify and simplify the system of doctor's
At the Academic Council it was reported on the preparations for the heating season Odessa National Medical University is preparing to work during the heating season of 2021/2022. This was announced at the meeting of the Academic Council, which was chaired by the Rector of ONMedU, Chairman of the Academic Council, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan.
All-Ukrainian competition program “The best student of Ukraine – 2021” Dear friends! On the occasion of the International Student Day, the All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental youth organization "Students’ Republic" implements the All-Ukrainian competition program "The Best Student of Ukraine - 2021". And we, in turn, invite all ONMed students, both domestic and