
What should the admission campaign be like in 2022? Recent events in our country have made significant adjustments in various spheres of life, including education. Applicants and their parents are worried about how this year's admission campaign will take place, in particular, in higher medical schools. On May 25,
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May 24 – Day of Slavic Literature and Culture Every year on May 24, all Slavic countries honour the memory of the holy co-apostolic brothers Cyril and Methodius - the creators of Slavic writing. In Ukraine, the holiday was established by the Presidential Decree of September 17, 2004. Cyril
5 steps how to enroll in a ukrainian university in 2022 Міністр освіти і науки України Сергій Шкарлет у своєму телеграм-каналі зазначив, що попри повномасштабну російську агресію, заклади вищої освіти продовжують організовувати навчання для іноземців та запрошувати майбутніх студентів з інших країн до університетів нашої держави. «З 1 травня 2022 року вже зареєстровано
The EU opens new programs for Ukrainian students and researchers The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) together with ESN Ukraine and with the support of the EU has created a new platform, that provides information on educational opportunities and support programs for Ukrainian students and researchers. The section "Education" contains step-by-step
Applications for scholarships for internships at Serbian universities for the 2022/2023 academic year are being accepted Until June 10, 2022, applications for scholarships from the Republic of Serbia for internships in any of the faculties of Serbian universities will continue to be accepted. The minimum term of internship will last from one month to a maximum