
The first day of the Hackathon4Future event was held as part of the international cooperation of ONMedU in the HEI4Future project Today, the first day of the Hackathon4Future event was held as part of the international cooperation of ONMedU in the HEI4Future project. The event was attended by representatives from Turkey, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Albania, Georgia, Yemen, USA, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan
High calling Being a doctor is a lifelong calling, as well as hard work on yourself, without days off or vacations. Despite a number of problems that the health care system in Ukraine has been trying to overcome in recent years, doctors
University of the Third Age Student self-government continues the tradition started by our predecessors. Students conduct educational work among the elderly on interesting and relevant medical topics. On May 4, the first offline lecture of the year took place on the topic "The role of
Readings named after Professor Oleksandr Zelinskii On the basis of Odesa National Medical University, the II interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference with international participation "Readings named after Professor Oleksandr Zelinskii. Perinatal and reproductive medicine is the focus of the "4P" concept of the health care system."
“Medical voyage” of ONMedU students through regional hospitals Theory is inseparable from practice! Future doctors studying at the oldest institution of higher education in the country — Odesa National Medical University — acquire not only theoretical knowledge. An integral part of the training process of students and interns