
ONMedU: for those who choose pharmacy! A pharmacist is a general specialist, someone who invents, studies, researches and provides medicines to people, a real specialist with higher education and deep knowledge in medical science. Such professionals are trained at ONMedU at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Day of awarding diplomas at ONMedU Commemorative photos, shining eyes and friendly hugs... On July 1, graduates of Odesa National Medical University received their long-awaited diplomas. It was a very exciting day, because they had been going for this moment for 6 long years - difficult,
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Godspeed, our graduates! Dear friends! I congratulate you on the title of graduates of Odesa National Medical University! Sleepless nights over textbooks and difficult seminars, lectures by unforgettable professors and difficult "KROK" exams, hospital practice and first meetings with patients are behind you.
ONMedU: the last meeting of the Academic Council in the 2023/2024 academic year has been held On June 27, the last meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU  in the 2023/2024 academic year was held, at which a number of important issues of the university's life were discussed. The meeting began with the ceremonial part. The
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Regarding the new academic year at Odesa National Medical University The 2024-2025 academic year at Odesa National Medical University will begin on September 1, 2024. The corresponding decision was made at the meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which took place on June