
New book “Pharmacology: in schemes and drawings», by V.V. Godowan The long-awaited publication by the professor of our university V.V.Godovan "Pharmacology: in schemes and drawings" has come out!
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“Freshman’s Debut” -2017 On November 2, 2017, the second intellectual contest "Freshman’s Debut", organized by the students' self-government, the trade union of students and the student's scientific society of ONMedU, took place in lecture hall No. 1 of the main building of ONMedU.
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Workshop on working with a densitometer 18.10.17 at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases and Therapy there was a master-class on working with a densitometer. Assistant professor V.V. Klochko showed the device in operation, for which a patient with osteoporosis was invited, as densitometry is
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“School of Journalism – 2017!” has started its work! The first lecture on journalism was held On October 10. Famous coaches – consultants, members of the National Union of Journalists, repeated laureates of various competitions - Galyas O.V. and Stepanenko A.B. told about the work plan, a variety of
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