Carrying out final certification at the extra-mural department of the pharmaceutical and international faculties in 2022

The Academic Council, which took place on February 24 under the chairmanship of the Rector, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, heard and approved the report on the final certification at the extra-mural department of the Faculty of Pharmacy and International Faculty in 2022. According to the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Volodymyr Anisimov, the final certification took place from January 31 to February 11 and consisted of a master’s thesis or exam in two blocks of professionally oriented disciplines: the first – clinical pharmacy, pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical chemistry, the second – management and economics. pharmacy and drug technology.

This year, 146 students of the correspondence department of the pharmaceutical department and 2 students of the international faculty were admitted to the final certification.

3 students of pharmacy and 2 students of international faculty were admitted to defend their master’s thesis. “It should be noted that all these graduates were tested at student scientific conferences, and according to research, some students have published articles in professional periodicals. The students also defended their master’s theses with a grade of “excellent”, – said the speaker.

According to him, the results of the final exam in clinical pharmacy, pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical chemistry by students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2022 are somewhat different from the results of 2021. There is a slight decrease in the average score, but a marked decrease in quality performance, in clinical pharmacy by 7.7%, in pharmacognosy – by 7.6% and pharmaceutical chemistry – by 12.3%.

In the second set of disciplines (management and economics in pharmacy and drug technology) there was a slight increase in the average score and a significant increase in quality performance in management and economics in pharmacy – by 7%, and in drug technology – by 9%.

“Summary data show that the average score for domestic students was 3.6 and the qualitative success rate was 53.7%, which corresponds to the status of a national university. The results of the final attestation allow us to conclude that the graduates have shown a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in all disciplines and they can be awarded the qualification of “pharmacist” in “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, – summed up Volodymir Anisimov.