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The first steps in science! The students of the department of propaedeutics of pediatrics Maria Velikova, Alina Overchuk and Elizaveta Morgunova (4th year 2nd MF) presented the results of the educational project of ONMedU and the department at student scientific conferences with international participation in
THE IMAGE OF A DOCTOR AND THE CHOICE OF A PROFESSION: answers of ONMedU higher education seekers Already at the stage of training, medical higher education graduates communicate with patients, attend practice in hospitals, and in senior years they can hold positions as auxiliary medical staff, therefore their motivation and satisfaction with their chosen profession, interest in
Seminar on the topic “Affordable about complex: Medical guarantee program” On May 20,  Odesa National Medical University hosted a seminar on the topic "Affordable about the complex:  Medical Guarantee Program" for students of the fifth and sixth years, as well as interns in a mixed mode. The goal of the
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World Traumatologist Day Every year on May 20, doctors from around the world who specialize in the field of traumatology and orthopedics celebrate their professional holiday. All specialties are important in medicine, but traumatology is a field where doctors are never out of
Vyshyvanka: personal code = nation code! On May 17, 2024, a joint event was held by the Department of Social Sciences of  Odesa National Medical University and the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law of  Odesa State University of Internal Affairs. In