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Denial of the false and distorted information regarding an office audit on the registration actions concerning ONMedU, conducted by the state registrar – private notary Dyshlova T.V. ONMedU has received a notification from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine regarding the results of an office audit on the registration actions concerning ONMedU, conducted by the state registrar - private notary Dyshlova T.V., and holding the latter administratively
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Dear Students and University Staff! On April 16, 2019, at 14:15, a meeting with the university administration will be held regarding the issues of scholarships and salaries payment, living conditions in hostels, and others in the lecture hall №1 of the main building of ONMedU.
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Master Class on the Basis of BLS (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) On April 12, 2019, we began a series of lectures on the first aid for junior students. The first class was devoted to the basics of BLS (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Students were told about the algorithm of emergency care, each of
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Academic Plagiarism Dear colleagues! Fighting academic plagiarism is gaining momentum all over the world. For research we are conducting a survey of scientists regarding the attitude to academic plagiarism. We ask you, if possible, to fill out an anonymous questionnaire by the
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100 Outstanding Graduates (Prof. Schneider) Today we will tell you about another outstanding graduate of Odessa National Medical University - Schneider Stanislav Arkadiievych - the Director of the RI Institute of Dentistry and Maxillo-Facial Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Head
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