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THE LUMINARY OF THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE March 9 marks the 210th anniversary of the birth of the great Ukrainian poet, artist, thinker, public figure Taras Hryhorovych SHEVCHENKA (1814-1861). Today, in this anxious and sorrowful time, when blood is pouring all over Ukraine and the tears of
Your health is in safe hands! Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of ONMedU More than 120 years of activity, breakthrough discoveries, the most daring operations, a whole library of scientific works and a galaxy of scientists with world names - this is all about another one of the oldest specialized departments, which conducts
Your health is in safe hands! Department of propaedeutics of pediatrics Among the oldest departments of Odesa National Medical University is the Department of Pediatric Propedeutics, which is currently headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, expert and member of the working groups of the European Office of WHO and UNICEF,
Danylo Adamenko, a student of ONMedU, is a worthy representative of the team of national instructors of the course “Life support for injuries at the pre-hospital stage” Danylo Adamenko, a student of ONMedU, is a worthy representative of the team of national instructors of the course "Life support for injuries at the pre-hospital stage" Since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, the International Medical Corps has initiated
Your health is in safe hands! Department of general, children’s and military surgery with a course of urology. The multidisciplinary medical center is a structural division of Odessa National Medical University. The main function of the center is to provide training and advanced training of medical personnel according to the standards of higher education, conducting research, development, testing