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MOH. Latest information of 26.05.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 21584 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on May 26, 2020 there are 21584 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 644 lethal, 7575 patients recovered.
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MOH. Latest information of 25.05.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 21245 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on May 25, 2020 there are 21245 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 623 lethal, 7234 patients recovered.
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In the conditions of the quarantine and pandemic СOVID-19 the Department of Pediatrics № 1 and the Odessa Association of Pediatricians and Neonatologists continues remote activities of the system of unremitting professional education On May 23, 2020, a regular meeting of Odessa Association of Pediatricians and Neonatologists was held in the form of a webinar on "Clinical and bioethical problems of coronavirus infection." The event was held with the participation and support of
Regular meeting in the form of an online conference of the SSS of the Department of Pediatrics № 1 A regular meeting of the SSS of the Department of Pediatrics № 1 of  ONMedU was held on the initiative of the Head of the Department of Pediatrics № 1 Corresponding Member of AMSU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.L.
MOH. Latest information of 22.05.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 20148 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on May 22, 2020 there are 19706  laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 588 lethal, 6585 patients recovered.
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