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ONMedU warns politicians against spreading misinformation and manipulation in favour of their own ratings ONMedU strongly condemns the actions of the candidate for mayor of Odessa Kalinchuk regarding the dissemination of false information and publicity on the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, in the run-up to the local elections, misinformation, distortion of facts and outright manipulation
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MOH. Latest information of 9.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 5 804 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded- it is a new abysmal record in the number of infected people registered per day. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on October
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MOH. Latest information of 8.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 5 397 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded- it is a new abysmal record in the number of infected people registered per day. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on
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MOH. Latest information of 7.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 4 753 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded- it is a new abysmal record in the number of infected people registered per day. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on
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MOH. Latest information of 6.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 4 348 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on October 6, 2020 there are 234 584 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 4 520
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