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MOH. Latest information of 20.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 5 469 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on October 20, 2020 there are 309 107 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including    5 786 lethal,
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Professor A.V. Malinovskii: “Young doctors need to attend our distance post-graduate events!” Currently, in the context of the growing COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning is needed not only for students and interns, but also for post-graduate students. Our university quickly responded to today's challenge and in the spring of 2020 introduced quality distance
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Meeting of the Academic Council On October 15, 2020, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU took place in a mixed mode (online and offline). At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Academic Council, Academician Valerii Mykolaiovych Zaporozhan, presented the
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MOH. Latest information of 16.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 5 992 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on October 16, 2020 there are 287 231 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including    5 408
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MOH. Latest information of 13.10.2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 5 133 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded. According to the CSH, as of 9:00 am on October 13, 2020 there are 270 587 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including   5 122 lethal,
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