In 2021, hundreds of employees and students of ONMedU joined educational events organized in Ukraine and abroad

Employees of Odessa National Medical University continue their professional training, in particular in the framework of international educational projects and programs. This was announced by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Valeria Marichereda at the meeting of the Academic Council chaired by the Rector of ONMedU, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan on December 27.

12 employees have taken part in international events, including with the status of lecturers. 15 have been participants in webinars on various medical topics, including those organized abroad. 11 employees have undergone internships, 4 – advanced training (1 – under the Erasmus + program), including foreign institutions. More than 50 employees have taken part in trainings, more than 100 – in scientific forums organized by foreign institutions, more than 200 have presented abstracts at international scientific forums organized in Ukraine.

ONMedU has organized 14 training webinars (including with the participation of foreign experts) and 8 scientific conferences. On the basis of the University Clinic, a workshop “Robotic Digital Laparoscopy” has been held with international proctoring by Professor Narimantas Evaldas Savalavičius – Director of the Department of Robotic Programs, University of Klaipeda (Lithuania).

Rector of ONMedU, Chairman of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine Valerii Zaporozhan has become a co-chair of the 27th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which brought together in Athens about 100 obstetricians and gynecologists of Ukraine, professors and associate professors of Odessa Medical University.

Valeria Marichereda also announced the upcoming educational events initiated by Academician Zaporozhan, which will be useful for ONMedU specialists. In particular, on January 19-21, the Israeli-Ukrainian Alliance, together with Yissum, a technology transfer office at the University of Jerusalem and ONMedU, will hold a seminar on “Creating and Developing Innovation on the Basis of Universities.” “The purpose of the seminar is to get acquainted with the best practices of the Yissum technology transfer office, entrepreneurship training and building multifaceted partnerships between the university, business and government agencies, forming an innovative ecosystem at our university” said the vice rector.