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A Council of Academic Mobility and International Cooperation was established at ONMedU under the chairmanship of the Rector Valerii Zaporozhan. A Council of Academic Mobility and International Cooperation was established at ONMedU under the chairmanship of the Rector and Chairman of the Academic Council Valery Zaporozhan. The decision was made at the meeting of the Academic Council, which took place
Prize at an international competition in Finland. ONMedU Creativity Center congratulates their students, the Drive choreographic team, on receiving the second prize at an international competition in Finland.
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International Mother Language Day On February 21, the world celebrated the International Mother Language Day. The Center for Student Creativity of ONMedU joined the celebration. [embed][/embed]
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All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of “Theoretical Medicine” Dear students! Acceptance of scientific student works for the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific student works in the field of "Theoretical Medicine", which according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science from 24.11.2020 №
Professor Mykhailo Lebedyuk on the history of one of the oldest departments of ONMedU and modern methods of treatment in dermatology and venereology   We continue the series of articles dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Odessa National Medical University and today Dr. of Med., Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology Mykhailo Mykolaiovych Lebedyuk will tell us about the