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A noble and honorable mission: Donor Day at ONMedU 2024 The third year of the war is going on. Our courageous defenders defend the Ukrainian land from the enemy invasion, regardless of danger. Unfortunately, many soldiers are seriously injured while shedding their blood for Ukraine. And in the past, a
Master class for primary school students on the topic “First medical aid for injuries in children” On April 23, 2024, teachers and students of Odesa National Medical University held a master class for primary school students on the topic "First aid for children with injuries" at Odesa Lyceum "European". The master class was developed by the
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Specialized training from the International Medical Corps Specialized training from the International Medical Corps takes place on the basis of Odesa National Medical University. The trainings were developed by the International Medical Corps together with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative under the coordination of the American College of
Presentation events of ONMedU in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi and Podolsk Teachers and students of Odesa National Medical University visited Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi on April 16, and Podolsk on April 23 as part of career guidance work. Representatives of the medical, pharmaceutical and dentistry faculties presented one of the oldest medical institutions in
XVI annual scientific and practical conference with international participation “Latest technologies in pediatric science, practice, family medicine and education” On April 18-20, 2024, the XVI annual scientific and practical conference with international participation "The latest technologies in pediatric science, practice, family medicine and education" was held, dedicated to the memory of academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences