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The language of my soul: Days of Ukrainian writing and language at ONMedU Language is one of the greatest assets of the whole nation and of each person in particular. It is language that contributes to the formation of the national picture of the world, roots new generations in the soil of spirituality.
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The first stage of the contest “The best student of Ukraine” Attention! Dear friends, in December 2021 the first stage of the contest "The best student of Ukraine" will take place in ONMedU. The ONMedU Student Scientific Society and the All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization “Student Republic” invite you to participate! You
The library welcomes the esteemed scientific community of ONMedU The library congratulates the esteemed scientific community of ONMedU on the World Science Day and reminds that it will fully promote the scientific achievements of the University in the global digital space by administering the project Institutional Repository of Odessa
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Congratulations on the World Science Day! Today, the world celebrates the World Science Day for peace and development. I sincerely congratulate colleagues and all fellow citizens! In 2001, UNESCO established this bright and important holiday to unite people around a common goal - peaceful and happy
The first meeting of the Young Scientists Societies Council of Odessa region with the support of Odessa Regional State Administration On November 10, the first offline meeting of the Young Scientists Societies Council of Odessa region took place with the support of Odessa Regional State Administration. Delegates of ONMedU at this event were a member of the Young Scientists Societies