Great opportunity to implement your ideas and projects!

Today, on 08.12.21, members of SSS and YoSS of ONMedU took part in an online presentation from the Ukrainian Startups Foundation (USF).

The grant program of the Ukrainian Startup Fund was created to provide financial support to Ukrainian startups in the form of grants. USF provides funding to Ukrainian startups in the pre-seed and seed stages of $ 25,000 and $ 50,000, respectively, without equity participation.

The startup has the opportunity to receive up to $ 75,000 for development and current activities, as well as up to $ 10,000 for the acceleration program in international and Ukrainian accelerators. USF declares that it has a clear authority to provide funding for early startups. The Fund’s grant program is designed to promote the creation and growth of technology startups at an early stage of development in Ukraine in order to increase their global competitiveness.

Details on the specifics of grants, selection criteria and application procedures for funding were considered.

We provide useful links:–official site of Ukrainian Startups Foundation– official channel on YouTube.

We invite you to get acquainted with this opportunity to implement your ideas and projects.

To clarify the information, please contact the Council of the Society of Young Scientists of ONMedU.