Congratulations of Valerii Zaporozhan on Easter

Dear colleagues and students! Dear Ukrainians and all Christians of the Eastern rite! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ!
A true doctor must first and foremost be a person with high spiritual and moral principles. This truth was taught to me by my teachers, and now I teach my students. What are these principles about? About the love to a neighbor, the ability to dedicate yourself to serving others, the struggle for life, the ability to keep good in the heart in the most difficult times. And although we, doctors, believe primarily in science, the power of reason and human will, but in our daily work we profess these truly Christian canons.
Easter is one of the brightest and most unifying holidays. It is the time to analyze one’s own actions, to help those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. Especially now, when Ukraine and the whole world are fighting the pandemic, and thousands of people have faced an insidious disease. However, the Resurrection of Christ gives confidence – we will cope with all challenges, and life will win.
Dear friends, I wish you good health, happiness, family comfort, confidence in the future and God’s grace. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Rector and Chairman of the Academic Council
Academician of Odessa National Medical University, Valerii Zaporozhan