Educational event about Ukrainian traditions of celebrating winter holidays for first-year foreign students

It has become a tradition at the Department of Social Sciences to hold events during the winter holidays. Ukrainian students join Caroling with joy and enthusiasm. It is nice to note that as graduates, they remember with pleasure the time when in the first year they so “informally” began to get acquainted with the future profile departments, which formed them as specialists in certain fields of medicine.

Sometimes foreigners were also involved in festive caroling. Mostly they were spectators. They watched the action with interest, looked at homemade nativity scenes, asked questions, took photos, recorded videos.

This year we did not want to betray the traditions. With the transition to distance studies and educational activities went online too.

With the assistance of the head of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Olga Sikorska, associate professor, candidate of historical sciences Podkupko Tetyana Leonidivna with students of 1-2 groups of the first year, international faculty, specialty – medicine held celebrations on the Zoom platform. Even in the remote mode we managed to create a festive mood. Students showed keen interest, especially in the presentations of the celebration at ONMedU.

The event was designed not only to inform about the cycle of winter holidays in Ukraine, but also to cultivate love, respect for the traditions of the Ukrainian people.

Tatiana Leonidovna Podkupko,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Sciences

Odessa National Medical University.