100 outstanding graduates (Yevhen Oleksandrovych Shevaliov)

Yevhen Oleksandrovych Shevaliov is a Ukrainian Soviet psychiatrist, teacher, professor.
Yevhen Oleksandrovych was born on January 21 (February 3) in 1878 in Odessa. He studied at Rishelev high school.
In 1906 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Novorossiysk University and then finished residency at the Department of Nervous and Mental Illness.
Since 1910 he worked in St. Petersburg under the supervision of academician Volodymyr Mykolayovych Bekhterev. In 1913 he defended his dissertation.
Since 1919 scientific, pedagogical and medical activities were connected with Odessa.
From 1923 to 1946 he was the head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Odessa Medical Institute.
Under the direction of the professor was equipped a two-story building of the Odessa Psychiatric Hospital, created chambers for 50 patients. An audience, a museum, a laboratory, a library and student rooms were also equipped.
Yevhen Oleksandrovych headed the psychiatric clinic of Odessa Medical Institute, which was established in January 1927.
From 1922 he headed the Department of Psychology of Odessa Institute of Public Education (OIPE). He taught Psychology at all faculties of OIPE.
In 1939, he received a doctorate degree in medical sciences. In 1940 he was awarded the title of professor.
Professor Shevaliov was engaged in Neurophysiology, studied psychopathological structures of mental disorders, studied clinical manifestations and worked on the questions of treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders, epilepsy. Scientific and practical searches were reflected in his works “On Paralogical Thinking”, “On Thinking Aloud at Mental Illness”, “On Resistance to Psychosis”, “On Late Reactivity”, etc.
During the Nazi invasion of 1941 – 1944 Yevhen Oleksandrovych headed a psychiatric hospital in Odessa. Together with colleagues looked after the medical institution and its patients, hid about 20 healthy Jews in the hospital underground, for which he subsequently received the title “Righteous among the Peoples of the World”.
Interestingly, Ukraine has a professional medal named after Ye.O. Shevaliov