September 27 is the European Night of Scientists!

This event was launched in 2005 at the initiative of the European Commission and since then has been held annually on the last Friday of September. The holiday unites people of different age groups who are interested in science and the latest technologies, and opens up a vast world of knowledge and scientific achievements, demonstrates all the fascinating diversity of science in a friendly, informal atmosphere.

The main goal of this exciting event is to interest the public in scientific research and its impact on our daily lives, to strengthen the interaction between science and society, and to attract young people to scientific activities.

Various events are organized during the European Night of Scientists: lectures, master classes, scientific experiments and exhibitions. The event is celebrated in many European cities at the same time and one of its features is the emphasis on interactive events that allow visitors to become direct participants in the scientific process, feel the scientific atmosphere and communicate with leading scientists.

This holiday opens the door to the world of science for everyone who seeks knowledge and new discoveries!

You can use the link to explore the map and familiarize yourself with all the activities offered by the European Night of Scientists for 2024 and 2025.