International Conference «5th International Conference of Medical Education Informatics»

On June 10-11, 2024, the 5th International Conference of Medical Education Informatics was held at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (Greece Republic).

The conference is focused on the formation of an open educational ecosystem and the improvement of technological training, higher medical education, the development of medicine 2.0/3.0/4.0, the involvement of artificial intelligence technology in medical education, as well as the formation of new pedagogical approaches in medical education.

Key aspects of the international project “Simulation medicine and scenario-based learning for emergency care (SimS)” were also discussed, to which a separate section was devoted.

Representatives of Ukraine from the Bukovyna State Medical University (Chernivtsi), the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (Kyiv), Kharkiv National Medical University, Odesa National Medical University and representatives of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santiago de Compostela ( Kingdom of Spain).

Odesa National Medical University was represented by the acting head of the educational and production complex of innovative learning and informatization technologies Yuriy Petrovskyi and  Kateryna Usychenko, head of the education quality assurance sector.

Reports at various sections of the international conference were devoted to the features of modern medical education in Europe, the use of modern technologies in medical education, such as virtual reality, platforms with virtual patients. The representatives of Aristotle University presented the new media product SHIFT-HUB, which is aimed at forming the right lifestyle and prevention of chronic diseases.

We express our huge gratitude to the organizers of the conference for the rich and fruitful program of the conference, its high professional level and the relevance of the proposed topics.