How NOT to deal with stress

Mental health will give you the strength not only to overcome a difficult period of life, but also to go through it with benefit for yourself. So that problems do not swallow you along with your dreams, you should not:

“improve” the mood with alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic substances, coffee, sweets, overeating;
postpone life and goals for later;
distance yourself from people, experience stress alone;
release negativity with shouts, quarrels;
blame yourself for troubles;
dig into the past and criticize yourself for actions and thoughts;
give up and stop fighting;
wait for it to pass.
It will be easier to avoid self-destruction if you define your values. What kind of person do you want to be and how do you want to live?

Everyone is born with the ability to resist stress. But in our time, this reserve of resilience is quickly depleted by war and uncertainty. And we still need to take care of our loved ones and work for victory.