Solemn events on the occasion of the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker of Ukraine were held at Odessa National Medical University on September 16, 2021 at 14.30 in the lecture hall №1 of the main building of the university.
The authorities were represented by the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, doctor of medical sciences, professor Marichereda V.G. and the acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Doctor of Medicine, Professor I.P. Shmakova.
Among those present were the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Anisimov V.Yu., Dean of the International Faculty, Associate Professor Buryachkivsky E.S., Heads of Departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Professor Unguryan L.M., Professor Helmbold V.O., Professor Rozhkovsky Ya.V. , Professor Nikogosyan L.R., teachers of departments and students.
There were guests of honor present: the head of the Primorsky district administration of the Odessa city council Korolev M.V., the director of the Department of health care of Odessa city council, the deputy of Odessa city council Nikogosyan L.R., the chief of the State service on medicines and control of drugs in Odessa Lyashenko-Shcherbakova V.V., the head of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Southern region, Colonel Kalchuk R.D..
Welcoming remarks were made by the Vice-Rectors of the University, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the guests of honor.
Honorary diplomas of the Rector of the University on the occasion of the Day of Pharmaceutical Worker for many years of hard work, successful professional and educational activities and significant personal contribution to the development of the university were awarded to: Nikogosyan L.R., Unguryan L.M., Rozhkovsky Ya.V., Helmboldt V. O., Borisyuk I.Yu.
The following students were awarded diplomas by the Rector of the University for conscientious study and active participation in the social life of the university: Tsepkova TV, Novokhatska AV, Stepanenko K.I..
Pupils of Odessa City Palace for Children and Youth Creativity congratulated pharmacists on the holiday and prepared festive musical gifts for them.