Volunteer activities

Autumn charity fair of the students’ trade union of ONMedU In mid-October, a charity fair was held near the main building of ONMedU, where talented students demonstrated their art of cookery and artistic abilities. Each student’s fair is a great holiday, attended by students, teachers and administration. All the money
Maccabiah Odessa-style A Sport event took place in Starobazarnyy Square on October 22 with the participation of volunteers of the Center for Students’ Creative Work and athletes of the ONMedU under the supervision of the project's curator - Mysechko T.A., together with
Day of the Defender of Ukraine – 2017 On October 13, 2017, on the eve of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, the Center for Students’ Creative Work of ONMedU prepared a holiday concert for the sick and wounded, who are being treated at the Military Medical
“Week of Donorship” in ONMedU On September 25-29, more than 150 students of ONMedU took part in a large-scale "Week of Donorship" campaign, which is annually held by the Student Self-Government of our University. "I am a Donor of ONMedU" is a community of students
Presentations of the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital named after Mykola Pirogov Regular presentations of the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (FVNH) named after Mykola Pirogov were held on 31.08.20017 and 01.09.2017 in Odessa, in the Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital and Odessa National Medical University, by its co-founder and head Gennadiy Drusenko .