
A Nurse with Magical Hands and the Heart of Gold An article about a distinguished colleague of ONMedU University Clinic of ONMedU in the newspaper for your attention.   Download →
The new issue of the newspaper “His Majesty the Patient», January 2018, No. 1 (169) Load the new issue of the newspaper "His Majesty the Patient», January 2018, No. 1 (169)→
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The new issue of the “Pulse” newspaper, January 2018, No. №1 (245) Load the new issue of the “Pulse” newspaper, January 2018, No. №1 (245) →
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Useful Resources for Physicians For the medical reform to be successful, we really need physicians who love their profession: they are interested in news and discoveries from around the world, learning something new and want to develop constantly and move forward. The Internet is
New Documentary about ONMedU