
Yurii Bazhora was awarded a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine We announce with a sense of great joy that by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 858 dated September 29, 2023, a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was awarded to Yurii Ivanovych Bazhora, professor
Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of ONMedU visited CAR “InterChem” On October 5, 2023, students of higher education majoring in "Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy" as part of production pharmaceutical practices visited the pharmaceutical enterprise CAR (company with additional responsibility) "InterChem" in order to familiarize themselves with the technological and production stages
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The National Immunization Portal was presented at ONMedU The Ukrainian portal on immunization was presented at the Odesa National Medical University, which is designed for both professional doctors and future specialists looking for various information about vaccines and vaccinations. Teachers and students of higher medical education present at
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Physical Education Day at ONMedU   The first Sunday of September in Ukraine is traditionally celebrated as the Day of Physical Education. Every year, our department organizes a student sports holiday dedicated to this date. And this year was no exception. Promotion of a healthy
Seminar for the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine On August 29, 2023, a seminar of lectures "Paintings of modern Ukrainian artists in the struggle and defense of statehood and national dignity" was held for the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine As part of the event there