
Training in tactical medicine On the basis of the Department of Simulation Medical Technologies of ONMedU, anyone who wishes can take a special TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) course. It is a specialized medical program designed to train not only the military, but focuses
Your health is in safe hands! Department of Ophthalmology. Another one of the oldest departments that works on the basis of the Multidisciplinary Center is the Department of Ophthalmology. Famous scientists have left a bright mark in domestic and world ophthalmology. Academician Filatov, professors Kalfa, Puchkivska, Cherkasov, Logai, Wenger
Shevchenko’s word! And the heart is beating - alive... In the period from March 4-8, 2024, at the Department of Social Sciences, headed, associate professor Olha Sikorska, with the organizational support of assistant professor Olena Uvarova, educational and creative events were held
March 10 is NATIONAL ANTHEM DAY OF UKRAINE "Neither the glory nor the will of Ukraine has died yet, fate will smile on us, brothers of the youth." These are the words of our National Anthem, which are familiar to every Ukrainian almost at the genetic level. It
THE LUMINARY OF THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE March 9 marks the 210th anniversary of the birth of the great Ukrainian poet, artist, thinker, public figure Taras Hryhorovych SHEVCHENKA (1814-1861). Today, in this anxious and sorrowful time, when blood is pouring all over Ukraine and the tears of