
Awarding the Title of an Honorary Doctor of ONMedU to Professor Remigius Jalunas The visit of Kaunas delegates was full of work events and appointments. During the scientific board meeting an Honorable professor award was given to professor Remigius Jalunas, the rector of Lithuanian University of Medical Science (LSMU), the head of cardiology
Awarding a Professor of the Infectious Diseases Department Yevhen Vasilyovich Nikitin The staff of the infectious diseases department of ONMedU sincerely congratulates a doctor of medical sciences, a professor of the department Yevhen Vasilyovich Nikitin with receiving an award "For creation and production of Ukrainian medicinal products of neurotropic and immunotropic
Awarding the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the 5th Degree to Boris Serghiyovich Zaporozhchenko By tradition, there is a professional holiday of representatives of the noblest profession in the world - the Medical Worker Day, on the 3rd Sunday of June. The president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, who, with his decree, awarded state awards
Summer School “CardioLung 2018” from the University of Pisa (Italy) Dear colleagues! We invite you to join the Summer School "CardioLung 2018" from the University of Pisa (Italy). Seminars will be held from 06/18/2018 to 25/06/2018. To watch the broadcast, follow the link:
XIX Research and Practical Conference “Reading in Memory of St. Luke Crimean (V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky) ” Life. Work. Creativity. Science and Religion “” On May 31, 2018, the XIX research and practical conference «Reading in Memory of St. Luke Crimean (V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky) " Life. Work. Creativity. Science and Religion "» was held. A prayer service in honor of St. Luke Crimean and Holy Martyr