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The EU opens new programs for Ukrainian students and researchers The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) together with ESN Ukraine and with the support of the EU has created a new platform, that provides information on educational opportunities and support programs for Ukrainian students and researchers. The section "Education" contains step-by-step
A program to support Ukrainian startups is starting in Ukraine Until May 21, 2022, applications for participation in the Empowering Future Entrepreneurial Ukraine mentoring program of the Ukrainian Future joint project, the IAS Business Incubator, representatives of the startup ecosystem of Finland and Estonia, implemented with the assistance of the
The second stage of the final certification of higher education applicants started on May 10 at ONMedU According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 316 of March 19, 2022 "Some issues of certification of applicants for higher education at the second (master's) level in the field of knowledge 22 –“Health Care” "in
Applications for scholarships for internships at Serbian universities for the 2022/2023 academic year are being accepted Until June 10, 2022, applications for scholarships from the Republic of Serbia for internships in any of the faculties of Serbian universities will continue to be accepted. The minimum term of internship will last from one month to a maximum
Exceptional measures for the integration of Ukrainian educators on mobility projects in higher education in Europe under the Erasmus + Program during the war in Ukraine To create conditions to support Ukrainian educators during the war within the approved European Union Directives E + / NA / DIR / 2022/017, E + / NA / DIR / 2022/019 and E + / NA / DIR /