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The head of ORMA Maksim Marchenko congratulated young scientists of the Odessa region on the Day of Science On the occasion of the Day of Science, a solemn meeting of the Council of Young Scientists of the Odessa region with the head of the Odessa Regional Military Administration Maksim Marchenko took place on the premises of the Odessa
Congratulations of the rector of ONMedU Valerii Zaporozhan on the Day of Science of Ukraine On May 21, 2022, our country celebrates Science Day - a professional holiday for scientists, researchers, teachers and all those whose activities are in one way or another related to scientific work. For more than 120 years of its history,
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Embroidery Day at ONMedU 2022 Ukrainian embroidered shirt is a shrine of the people, a symbol of spiritual wealth, wisdom, happiness, love and family memory. This year, the Day of Embroidery fell on May 19, and on the last days of the week teachers of
To the International Museum Day "Whatever house I enter, I will go there for the benefit of the patient" - such an inscription can be seen on the exhibit in the Museum of History of ONMedU, which revives the past of our university. Museums preserve
5 steps how to enroll in a ukrainian university in 2022 Міністр освіти і науки України Сергій Шкарлет у своєму телеграм-каналі зазначив, що попри повномасштабну російську агресію, заклади вищої освіти продовжують організовувати навчання для іноземців та запрошувати майбутніх студентів з інших країн до університетів нашої держави. «З 1 травня 2022 року вже зареєстровано