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ONMedU held a seminar “Integrity in Writing Scientific Papers” On November 21, Odesa National Medical University held a mixed format seminar "Integrity in Writing Scientific Papers" Students and young scientists had the opportunity to come to the conference hall of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical
Charged with dignity and thirst for freedom November 21 is the Day of Dignity and Freedom. This public holiday reminds of the fateful events of the recent history of Ukraine, connected with two revolutions - the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014.
ONMedU is improving the training of physical rehabilitation medicine doctors Within the framework of the implementation of the project of the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period until 2030, which appeared at the initiative of the First Lady Olena Zelenska, the field
Idea Jam “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” Odesa National Medical University hosted an educational and at the same time very funny and creative event - Idea Jam "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine". Although initially only students were invited to this innovative event, many graduate students and university teachers
Trainings on conducting basic and advanced resuscitation procedures With the support of the WHO Office of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health initiated the process of unifying training on basic and advanced resuscitation procedures. Odesa National Medical University has held an appropriate training for the teachers of higher education